We can place notes on the lines and spaces of the staff. This lesson will teach us where to put them when there’s a G-clef. Let’s review the notes, this time we will start on G.

Exercise 1

Read the notes out.

Which note comes after G?

Exactly! It is A.

Remember: When the G-clef is on the staff, the note on the second line is G. Consequently, if G is on the second line, A is above the second line, which means it is on the second space. Check the example:

Great! Let’s place all the notes on the staff.

Some notes are placed below the second line. Let’s see them.

Exercise 2

These are the notes backward starting on G. Read them aloud.

Great! Then, the notes on the first space and first line are F and E.


Download or print the following worksheets so you can practice what you learned.

Congratulations! Go to the next lesson.

The notes on the bass staff

Last lesson.

The staff and the clefs