Let’s learn the notes below and above the bass staff. Then we will learn the notes on and above the first ledgers below and above the staff.

Notes above and below the staff

Example 1

Notas debajo de la primera línea y encima de la quinta línea en clave de fa.
Notes below the first line and above the fifth.


Which are the notes in the last example? Think about it before looking at the following example.

Example 2

The note below the first line is F, and the note above the fifth is B.

The first ledger line above the staff

Let’s see which note is placed on the first ledger line above the staff. Remember, the note above the fifth line is B. Then the note on the first ledger is C.

Example 3

B and C above the bass clef.


¿Which note do we write above the first ledger line?


C is on the first ledger. ¿Which note goes after C?

Example 4

B, C and D above the bass staff.

D is above the first ledger line.

The first ledger below the staff

Now we will learn the notes on and below the first ledger below the staff.


¿Which is the note below the first line? Go to Example 2 if you don’t remember.

Exactly it is F. ¿Which note goes before F?

Example 5

F and E below the bass staff.

E goes before F and is placed on the first ledger line below the staff.


¿Which note do we write below the first ledger line?


E is on the first ledger line ¿Which note goes before E?

Example 6

F, E and D below the bass staff.

D is below the first ledger line.


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Middle C

Last lesson.

Ledger lines